KU NE RT LO OK PA GE 52 PR OD UC TS C orr ug ate d c ard bo ard FROM IMPULSE TO INNOVATION DID YOU DRINK MY BEER NOW WE KNOW The product developers at Kunert Wellpappe recently had to brew up a solution to a problem of fundamental importance It was time to develop eco friendly and safe packaging for one way shipping of beer bottles You don t have to drink a lot of beer to know how heavy a crate of it is Compared to the conventional crates made of plastic our alternative is not only lighter and less resource intensive but also signifi cantly cheaper to produce In addition it saves beverage producers the expense of having to recover the empties which is of particular concern for exporters Thanks to its triple folded front panel and double thickness bottom panel our corrugated cardboard crate doesn t fall one bit short of its plastic counterpart in terms of sturdiness The crates are designed to the europallet standard and are easy to stack thanks to integrated stacking lugs All this ensures that the beer will get to where it needs to be to serve its purpose quenching thirst During shipping the bottles are protected by a cover that cannot be removed without breaking a seal This integrated theft protection means it s apparent at a glance whether the shipment is undamaged and complete That will fi nally put the question of whose beer they re drinking to rest THANKS TO MODERN PACKAGING FOR THEFT PROOF BEER SHIPPING PUT THE LID ON IT TO BE SAFE STACKING LUGS FOR STABILITY AND SAFETY
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