KU NE RT LO OK PA GE 12 OU R CO MP AN Y OUR INVESTMENTS ARE OUR ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS OF TOMORROW Over the last 125 years the world has grown smaller the challenges however have rather grown Globalisation and market concentration have given rise to new risk factors while simultaneously opening up new opportunities for companies Determined to use these options the Kunert Group is already investing in the future In Wildflecken extensive remodelling has created the most modern facility in Europe for manufacturing large diameter paper cores In addition the logistics area has been expanded an all new and cutting edge core drying facility has been constructed and the social areas have been modernised In Bad Neustadt a fully automated logistics centre for Kunert Wellpappe will be completed in mid 2019 Carl Macher Hülsenpapiere is constructing a state of the art logistics facility in Brunnenthal which will consolidate its position as the most productive manufacturer of core board in Europe The Kunert Group profits greatly from the networking between its subsidiaries Therefore investments in the different areas are strategically coordinated to guarantee productivity and balance even in the years to come The total sum of these investments is in the upper eight figure range THAT THESE INVESTMENTS WILL PAY OFF IS A FOREGONE CONCLUSION OF THAT THE KUNERT GROUP IS CERTAIN As a family run company our credo has always been continuity before short term strategies Our investments are securing the quality and strength of our services for the future This will allow us to serve our customers better faster and with even more focus on their needs says Mathias Kunert Managing Partner of Kunert Wellpappe All our investments bank on greater efficiency and shorter reaction times But each of them is also a commitment to the particular location for which it creates lasting jobs
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